
Safety tips for trick-or-treating in Sage Creek

Halloween is a fun time for kids to dress-up, stay-up late and eat candy. With all of this excitement and distractions, it’s easy for a pleasantly spooky night to turn into a scary one. These quick safety tips will help ensure a safe evening of trick-or-treating in Sage Creek  Read more

October 24, 2024|

How to navigate a roundabout

While driving in Sage Creek, you may have noticed more roundabouts in this community than used in older neighbourhoods. This is because roundabouts are much safer in high traffic areas than traditional stop signs. When used properly, roundabouts have proven to reduce collisions and the severity of them by promoting continuous traffic flow, lower speeds and one-way travel.  Read more

June 19, 2024|

Preserving our greenspaces

Having a home that backs onto a public reserve can be quite scenic. Homeowners can look out their windows to enjoy the naturalized areas that are usually incorporated along trails, parks and wetlands. Native grasses and plants provide valuable habitat and food sources to local wildlife while also helping to clean our air and watershed. Unfortunately, these beautiful parks and trails can be easily damaged...  Read more

May 17, 2024|

Top three reasons to choose Sage Creek

Sage Creek is a vibrant community that is swiftly growing into a richly diverse neighbourhood with something for everyone. Whether you are starting fresh, redesigning your life or entering the next stage, here are the top three reasons why you should choose Sage Creek as your community.  Read more

April 30, 2023|
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